FEAF and all our associated companies are fully committed with the environment.
Climate neutrality 2050
Aligned with the Green Deal and Basque Green Deal, strategies that will enable the European Union to achieve climate neutrality in 2050, we are committed to a transition towards a clean, green, digital and sustainable economy.
Activities carried out by the FEAF
At FEAF, since our beginnings, we have been developing numerous activities and initiatives
related to the environment:
- Participation in CAEF´s Environment Commission
- Participation in the CONFEMETAL´s Environment Commission
- Participation in the Climate Change Commission of CEOE
- Participation in the European IPPC Working Group
- Minimization of sands in the process: Sectorial White Paper
- Environmental management systems ISO 14000 (FUNDISO 14)
- Environmental Surveys
- Monthly update of environmental legislation via web/e-mail
- REACH regulation
- Environmental Responsibility Law. Environmental Risk Report Model (MIRAT)
- Collaboration agreement with Ihobe (Basque Government). Recovery of sands in concrete, mortar and cement (2014-2020). Sectorial Group of 13 Foundries
- Forging and Casting BREF Review
- RosH regulation
- Euskadi´s Prevention and Waste Management Plan
- Emissions trading
- Decarbonization and Energy. Carbon footprint.