Breaking stereotypes of women roles in foundry sector and awake their interest by Key Enabling Technologies from a gender inclusive perspective

Contribute to reducing the gender gap in the foundry industry, highlighting female role models
in the foundry industry and developing a multimedia training platform, aimed at young women to make visible, address and mobilize skills and competencies related to the Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) to respond to the demands of the foundries of the new century and maintain and develop levels of competitiveness.



  • Eliminate stereotypes in education and professional life that give rise to differences in the employment of women and men in the industrial field, and particularly in the foundry sector.
  • Increase the representation of women in the foundry sector, by improved opportunities for young women referring their inclusion, employability and economic security.
  • Improved motivation for young women to consider non-traditional careers in foundry sector giving visibility to the professionals who work in the foundry and in traditionally «masculinized» professions. Make visible feminine referents.
  • Contribute to decrease the existing professional and sectoral segregation in the foundry sector, recognizing and mobilizing women’s technical skills and abilities.
  • Increase the number of women in industrial and technological VET studies, making it easier for girls to discover the numerous learning and training opportunities related to KET.
  • To support VET trainers and career guidance facilitators get resources and training material to attract young women to the foundry sector, and in general, to the industrial sector, by changing the attitudes towards equality in employment and KETs learning.
  • To help the industrial companies and foundries to have qualified workers, no matter the gender issue.

Expected Results

  • Video about the experiences and paths of the women workers in the foundry. Meetings between professionals in the sector and students.
  • Digital tool for professional trainers and counselors, and for female students.
Other documents of interest

Asociación de Fundidores del País Vasco y Navarra (AFV) (Spain)

The project has a duration of 24 months (10/2019 - 09/2021)
  • FONDO FORMACIÓN EUSKADI S.L.L. (España). Especialistas en el desarrollo de innovadores programas de cualificación e inserción.
  • ASSOCIAÇÃO PORTUGUESA DE FUNDIÇÃO (Portugal). Agrupa las fundiciones portuguesas más representativas. CINFU (Portugal). Contribuye a la industria de la fundición portuguesa con la valorización de sus recursos humanos. Cuenta con un área específica especializada en nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la industria de la fundición.
  • ANKARA HACI BAYRAM VELI ÜNIVERSITESI (Turquía). Universidad pública de Ankara
  • POINT PROJE INSTAAT TAAHHUT MUHENDISLIK VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI (Turquía). PYME de ingeniería y gestion de proyectos activa a nivel internacional.
  • INTHECITY PROJECT DEVELOPMENT (Países Bajos). Industria creativa y gestión de proyectos educativos.

Algunas de las “Role Models” filmadas en el proyecto.