DIOFUR project

The DIOFUR project aims to reduce dioxin emissions in fusion processes to levels considered acceptable by European regulations.


The DIOFUR project aims to reduce dioxin emissions in fusion processes to levels considered acceptable by European regulations.

Although the foundry sector is far from being a major emitter of dioxins, in some foundries the limits established by the Incineration Directive have sometimes been exceeded.

Aware of this problem and within its line of collaboration in all areas of the foundry sector, the TECNALIA-Foundry teams, in close collaboration with the FEAF and other organisations, promoted the DIOFUR project.

Its objective has been to know, through exhaustive measurements and their subsequent analysis, the mechanisms of formation of dioxins in iron fusion and to establish the means for their minimization/elimination.

Expected Results


TECNALIA-Fundición Research & Innovation

Este proyecto cuenta con un presupuesto de cerca de tres millones de euros.
  • OD de Polonia,
  • CTIF de Francia y el belga
  • VITO Bélgica
  • FEAF
  • Fundiciones Infiesta
  • Fundiciones Fumbarri-Durango
  • Guivisa

Además de tres Asociaciones de Fundidores  y nueve empresas.


As a result of the project, a GOOD PRACTICE GUIDE has been published in six languages (English, French, German, Polish, Spanish and Basque) whose purpose is to offer foundries some guidelines on the practical application of knowledge to minimize and/or eliminate the level of dioxins existing in foundries.

The conclusions of the project, valued with the highest score by the European Commission that finances the project, yield positive results in most of the cases contemplated in the project: induction furnaces, electric arc furnaces, cupola furnaces (cold and hot wind) and rotary furnaces.